The Autobiography of God
The Auto Biography Of God
The Auto Biography Of God

The Autobiography of God


The Autobiography of God is a humble attempt to prepare the reader for process of self-realization. It does not have to be an esoteric experience. It is the very nature of everything and the foundation upon which individual life is built. The first step in demystifying Self-realization is to answer the logical and rational questions of the mind. The magic happens on it's own, once the rational and logical aspects are satisfied.This book isn't a one-time read; it's a roadmap for a lifelong expedition of self-discovery. "The Autobiography of God" encourages readers to approach self-realization as a journey rather than a destination. It's about fostering a state of perpetual curiosity and growth, acknowledging that every realization, every revelation, is a stepping stone towards deep understanding.

The Autobiography of God contains practical tools for the new age of humanity. This book is not about philosophy, mystical thinking, lists of affirmations, or religious dogma.The autobiography of god is for the rational, the logical, the practical, the seekers, the non-conformists, the leaders, the pioneers, and the rebels and free spirits.In a world filled with complexities and distractions, "The Autobiography of God" emerges as a beacon of wisdom and insight. This book is more than just pages bound together; it's a transformative guide, a humble companion that seeks to illuminate the path towards self-realization. By inviting readers to embark on this profound journey, it unravels the mysteries of awakening and self-discovery in a way that's approachable and relatable.